Search code examples

Doesn't do anything - simpleXML PHP

It's not doing anything when I run it... I suppose It should write something like:

O nás Produkty

Here is the PHP code (line 50 because it's inside HTML code):

$menu=simplexml_load_file('menu.xml') or die('Cannot read menu!');
foreach((array) $menu->menu_items->item as $HTMLTAG)
echo $HTMLTAG;

And here is a part of the XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item link_url="#" active="on">O nás
<subitem link_url="/about" active="on">O nás</subitem>
<subitem link_url="/about/reference" active="on">Reference</subitem>
<subitem link_url="/about/contact" active="on">Kontakty</subitem>
<item link_url="#" active="on">Produkty
<subitem link_url="/HeatMatrix" active="on">O nás
<under_subitem link_url="/HeatMatrix/LUVO">Předehřívač vzduchu LUVO</under_subitem>
<under_subitem link_url="/HeatMatrix/HV">Hybridní výměníky</under_subitem>
<under_subitem link_url="/HeatMatrix/KP">Výměníky kapalina-plyn</under_subitem>
<under_subitem link_url="/HeatMatrix/VCS">Vestavěný čistící systém</under_subitem></subitem>
<subitem link_url="/OCR" active="off">OCR systémy</subitem>
<subitem link_url="/LDR" active="off">Točivé redukce</subitem>

Don't you know what should I do about it?


  • The ->menu_items also does not need to be there, since it is the root node of the XML document. This worked for me:

    foreach($menu->item as $HTMLTAG)
        echo $HTMLTAG; //I used print_r here actually, which was nicer.