Would like to know if there is a way to enable RDP post Deployment. Post Build of a Cloud Service?
Options are available before packaging to do this!
Found a working solution for this!
You need the ServiceName to be passed to the snippet below.
if(($UserName) -and ($Password))
$SecurePass = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $Password -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $UserName, $SecurePass
# Check if RDP is enabled for the Service
$isRDPEnaled = Get-AzureServiceRemoteDesktopExtension -ServiceName $ServiceName
# Enable RDP with the new user
Set-AzureServiceRemoteDesktopExtension -ServiceName $ServiceName -Credential $Credential
if($isRDPEnaled.UserName -ne $UserName)
# Remove RDP for the existing user
Remove-AzureServiceRemoteDesktopExtension -ServiceName $ServiceName
# Enable RDP with the new user
Set-AzureServiceRemoteDesktopExtension -ServiceName $ServiceName -Credential $Credential
Write-Verbose ""
Write-Verbose " Remote Login enabled for the Service "