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Calling C++ class functions from Ruby/Python

In my specific circumstance, I have a complex class (a class of classes of classes) that I want to expose to a scripting language (aka Ruby). Rather that directly pass that complex class, someone gave me the idea of just opening up a few functions to a scripting language like Ruby, which seemed simpler. I've seen Rice but the only examples I've seen use simple functions that just multiply something, rather than interfacing with a class.

For simplicity, I have a simple class with functions I want to expose:

class Foo
        //Integer Vector:
        std::vector<int> fooVector;

        //Functions to expose to Ruby:
        void pushBack(const int& newInt) {fooVector.push_back(newInt);}
        int& getInt(const int& element) {return;}


I'd prefer not to just have a link to the download page of SWIG, or an article explaining how to do this with rice that was written in 2010, I would like a guide that will likely work (I haven't had much luck just yet)


I'm using Linux (Ubuntu) but this is a cross-compatible program, so I must be able to compile on Windows and OS X


I do understand that shared libraries exist (dll and so files), but I don't know if I can have a library that depends on a .hpp file containing the class(es).


  • You can use cython or Boost.Python to call native code from python. Since you are using c++, i'd recommend looking into Boost.Python which offers a very natural way of wrapping c++ classes for python.

    As an example (close to what you provided), consider the following class definitions

    class Bar
        int value;
        Bar() : value(42){ }
        //Functions to expose to Python:
        int getValue() const { return value; }
        void setValue(int newValue) { value = newValue; }
    class Foo
        //Integer Vector:
        std::vector<int> fooVector;
        Bar bar;
        //Functions to expose to Python:
        void pushBack(const int& newInt) { fooVector.push_back(newInt); }
        int getInt(const int& element) { return; }
        Bar& getBar() { return bar; }
    double compute() { return 18.3; }

    This can be wrapped to python using Boost.Python

    #include <boost/python.hpp>
        using namespace boost::python;
        class_<Foo>("Foo", init<>())
            .def("pushBack", &Foo::pushBack, (arg("newInt")))
            .def("getInt", &Foo::getInt, (arg("element")))
            .def("getBar", &Foo::getBar, return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>())
        class_<Bar>("Bar", init<>())
            .def("getValue", &Bar::getValue)
            .def("setValue", &Bar::setValue, (arg("newValue")))
        def("compute", compute);

    This code can be compiled to a static library MyLibrary.pyd and used like this

    import MyLibrary
    foo = MyLibrary.Foo()
    print(foo.getInt(0)) # 10
    print(foo.getInt(1)) # 20
    print(foo.getInt(2)) # 30
    bar = foo.getBar()
    print(bar.getValue()) # 42
    print(foo.getBar().getValue()) #17
    print(MyLibrary.compute()) # 18.3