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How can man put a thread(in boost) which is created with packaged_task, into a shared_ptr vector

this is a example from boost library.

int calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything()
      return 42;

boost::packaged_task<int> pt(calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything);
boost:: future<int> fi=pt.get_future();

instead of boost::thread task(boost::move(pt)); to launch a task on the thread,
now I want to put the thread into shared_ptr vector and launch a task on the thread.

First i creat a vector.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<boost::thread>> vecThreads;

And is this the right way to put a thread into vector?

vecThreads.push_back(std::make_shared<boost::thread>(boost::packaged_task<int> &pt));

thank you all for the attention!


  • Packaged tasks are just that. They don't "have" threads. They just run on a thread. Any thread.

    In fact, it's an anti-pattern to start a thread for each task. But, of course, you can. I'd suggest using a

    boost::thead_group tg;

    So you can depend on


    to await all pending threads completion.


    With shared pointers, here's an example:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/thread.hpp>
    #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
    #include <boost/bind.hpp>
    using namespace boost;
    int ltuae(int factor) {
        return factor*42;
    int main() {
        std::vector<unique_future<int> > futures;
        std::vector<shared_ptr<thread> > threads;
        for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
            packaged_task<int> pt(bind(ltuae, i));
        for (auto& f : futures)
            std::cout << "Return: " << f.get() << "\n";
        for (auto& t: threads)
            if (t->joinable())