I need to get from overpass-api all the data about one, specific public transport line. Let's say it has a number 148 in my city.
I use something like this example below but this gives me combined ways of forward and backward routes. How can I get them separately?
<osm-script output="json">
<query type="relation">
<has-kv k="ref" v="148"/>
<bbox-query s="54.21466404047702" w="18.270263671875" n="54.503143645746924" e="18.840179443359375"/>
<recurse type="down" />
<print mode="skeleton" order="quadtile"/>
You could filter by role: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#Recurse_.28n.2C_w.2C_r.2C_bn.2C_bw.2C_br.29
Here is an example for other route, which have forward and backward ways.
//get relation
// get ways with particular role
// you may also add ways with empty role if you want
// give role as an empty string
// get way nodes.
// We can't use >; operator, because it will recurse to
// all relation members.
out skel qt;
Try it on overpass-turbo: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/a4F