How to have a default option in select box...I tried several options and do not get it
I tried creating a scope on my contralador with the value of the object that comes from json:
Like this:
$scope.productSelect = $scope.item[0];
this my code:
<select id="variant" class="form-control variant-select"
ng-options="product as product.formattedPrice+' - '+product.variantQualifierName for product in item[0] track by product.url">
(function (){
'use strict';
* @ngdoc function
* @name variantApp.controller:AppCtrl
* @description
* # AppCtrl
* Controller of the variantApp
var app = angular.module('variantApp.product.variantCtrl', []);
function ($scope, ProductVariant, $log){
$scope.item = [
$scope.productSelect = $scope.item[0];
})(window, angular);
You have ng-options="product as product.formattedPrice+' - '+product.variantQualifierName for product in item[0] track by product.url"
And $scope.productSelect = $scope.item[0];
So either you're trying to select out of one option or you're initializing your productSelected to the same array.