In my SachController
, there is an Edit method like below. In the view, there are several textbox
and one file-input
for upload image
object. Sometime, user doesn't want to change the image and they just don't select a new image. And the image
) is null.
How can I avoid the null image but still use short update like this:
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "MaSach,NhanDe,MaDM,MaNXB,NamXB,GiaBia,PhanTramGiamGia,TrongLuong,MaBV,MaBia,Dai,Rong,Cao")] Sach sach, HttpPostedFileBase image)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
uploadImage(sach, image);
db.Entry(sach).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ViewBag.MaBV = new SelectList(db.BaiViet, "MaBV", "NhanDe", sach.MaBV);
ViewBag.MaBia = new SelectList(db.Bia, "MaBia", "TenBia", sach.MaBia);
ViewBag.MaNXB = new SelectList(db.NhaXuatBan, "MaNXB", "Ten", sach.MaNXB);
return View(sach);
Mark Image property as not modified:
db.Entry(sach).State = EntityState.Modified;
if (image == null)
db.Entry(sach).Property(m => m.Image).IsModified = false;