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IOS function Call free use Sinch framework

I'm working about call free function, and I'm using Sinch frameworks. Link tutorial: a callscreenviewcontroller

And I had met this error:

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: can't resolve symbol __Z24REBSTDStringFromNSStringP8NSString in /Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/60DDDF05-3DFF-464C-83EB-AE4BB0B8533E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/575C9C20-13DF-4926-96E5-DD79D9367B0A/ because dependent dylib #9 could not be loaded
dyld: can't resolve symbol __Z24REBSTDStringFromNSStringP8NSString in /Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/60DDDF05-3DFF-464C-83EB-AE4BB0B8533E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/575C9C20-13DF-4926-96E5-DD79D9367B0A/ because dependent dylib #9 could not be loaded.

How to fix this error?


  • The problem was a mix of using cocoapods and static linking of the same framework, together with some config on the other linker flags.