In Protractor, I am trying to write a function to simulate clicking a responsive navigation menu item (i.e. menu is either a bar of dropdowns across the top or a hamburger link if mobile). The structure of the bar is defined by MEANJS with a few id="" attributes mixed in.
It seems to work exactly as I want when I run it one spec at a time, like so:
protractor app/tests/e2e/conf.js --suite mySuite
but when I run with the full test (that only has 4 tests in it), like so:
protractor app/tests/e2e/conf.js
I start to get this error intermittently (source of error is in 2 places below):
Failed: element not visible
Here's my function
commonPOs.clickNavBar = function(mainTab, linkUrl) {
var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
var hamburger = element('nav-hamburger'));
var linkCssExpression = 'a[href*="' + linkUrl + '"]';
hamburger.isDisplayed().then(function(result) {
if ( result ) { {
var navBar = hamburger
return clickItNow(mainTab, linkUrl, navBar);
} else {
return clickItNow(mainTab, linkUrl, element('myapp-navbar')));
return deferred.promise;
function clickItNow(mainTab, linkUrl, navBar) {
var link;
if(mainTab) {
// if mainTab was passed, need to
// click the parent first to expose the link
var parentLink;
if (mainTab == 'ACCTADMIN') {
parentLink = navBar.element('account-admin-menu'));
else {
parentLink = navBar.element(by.linkText(mainTab));
expect(parentLink.isPresent()).toBeTruthy();; // FIRST PLACE ERROR HAPPENS
link = parentLink.element(by.xpath('..')).element(by.css(linkCssExpression));
else {
link = navBar.element(by.css(linkCssExpression));
expect(link.isPresent()).toBeTruthy();; // SECOND PLACE ERROR HAPPENS
return deferred.fulfill();
I have tried to use both of these but neither work:
What NOOB async error am I making?
Self answer... but any better answer will win the green check mark!!!
EDITED - After more problems, found a nice 'waitReady()' contribution from elgalu.
There were a few obvious problems with my original code, but fixing them did not solve the problem. After working through what I could, the solution seemed to be the expect(navBar.waitReady()).toBeTruthy(); lines I added. I also had to split the nested function out. Anyway, here is the new code that seems to be working now. A better (comprehensive) answer will get the green checkmark! I'm pretty sure there's a flaw or 2 here.
commonPOs.clickNavBar = function(mainTab, linkUrl) {
var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
var hamburger = element('nav-hamburger'));
hamburger.isDisplayed().then(function(result) {
if ( result ) { {
var navBar = hamburger
return clickItNow(mainTab, linkUrl, navBar, deferred);
} else {
return clickItNow(mainTab, linkUrl, element('myapp-navbar')), deferred);
return deferred.promise;
function clickItNow(mainTab, linkUrl, navBar, deferred) {
var targetLink;
var linkCssExpression = 'a[href*="' + linkUrl + '"]';
if(mainTab) {
// if mainTab was passed, neet to
// click the parent first to expose the link
var parentTabLink;
if (mainTab == 'ACCTADMIN') {
parentTabLink = navBar.element('account-admin-menu'));
else {
parentTabLink = navBar.element('main-menu-' + mainTab));
// expect(parentTabLink.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy();
targetLink = parentTabLink.element(by.xpath('..')).element(by.css(linkCssExpression));
else {
targetLink = navBar.element(by.css(linkCssExpression));
expect(targetLink.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy(); {
return deferred.fulfill();