Currently, to select multiple cursors in Sublime Text 3, you have to hold the Ctrl key and left click. I want to change the mouse binding of that. Instead of Ctrl, I want to use Alt.
I know how to change the mouse binding in Sublime Text 3. It is to create file Username\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Default (Windows).sublime-mousemap
"button": "button1",
"count": 1,
"modifiers": ["alt"],
"press_command": "drag_select",
"command": "command_here"
I don't know what command should I put in there. I found the command list in, but I can't find it.
After some googling and testing, I solved my own problem. Here's the code that I placed
"button": "button1",
"count": 1,
"modifiers": ["alt"],
"press_command": "drag_select",
"press_args": {"additive": true}