I'm trying to put a background image in a ruby app, I've seen that this question was already answered in other posts but it didn't work for me and I would like to know where am i failing.
I have a background called background1.jpg in both '/pubic/images' and in 'projectname/app/assets/images/' folders but it doesn't seem to work.
I've been trying directly from the html.erb for example
<div id="boxy" background-image="......."> </div>
but it didn't work. So i went to the css and its something like this:
background-image: url('projectname/app/assets/images/background1.jpg');
I have also tried using 'public/images/background1.jpg' in the url path of the css
Note: this is not the textual code, its just a representation.
None of this methods has given me a result. Im using Ruby 4.2.0
Try in your css:
background: image-url('background1.jpg') no-repeat;
Or directly in your view:
<%= image_tag('background1.jpg', style: "height: 30px; width: 30px") %>