I have two cell arrays one called info{} and the other is called data{} I am reading information in from a text file and am putting the lines into the info{} cell array. When the program finds a blank line I want to to start over with a new info{} cell array and keep inserting the lines until it find another blank line...
global data
global tags
data = {};
line = fgets(fid);
counter = 1;
while ischar(line)
if regexp(line,'/locus_tag=','match','once')
tags{end+1} = line;
info{counter} = line;
if strcmp(newline, line)
data{end+1} = info;
info{counter+1}{end+1} = line;
line = fgets(fid);
end end
I have included some code it doesn't work but it is what I have gotten so far.I think I think I understand the algorithm I need to use to do this but am having some trouble implementing it. Any ideas?
In the end I want something that looks like
data = { {info1} {info2} {info3}... {infon}
I think something like this will work, although I can't know for sure without a sample data file:
%# Load all the lines from the file:
allLines = {}; %# An empty cell array to store all lines in the file
fid = fopen('data.txt'); %# Open the file
nextLine = fgetl(fid); %# Get the next line
while ischar(nextLine) %# Check for an end-of-file condition
allLines = [allLines; {nextLine}]; %# Add the line to allLines
nextLine = fgetl(fid); %# Get the next line
fclose(fid); %# Close the file
%# Remove any trailing whitespace from the lines:
allLines = deblank(allLines);
%# Find tags and remove them:
index = regexp(allLines,'/locus_tag=','once'); %# Index of matches
index = ~cellfun(@isempty,index); %# Find where index isn't empty
tags = allLines(index); %# Get cells with tags in them
allLines(index) = []; %# Remove cells with tags
%# Find empty lines and group non-empty spans into cells:
index = cellfun(@isempty,allLines); %# Find empty lines
allLines(index) = []; %# Remove cells with empty lines
counts = diff([0; find(index); numel(index)+1]); %# Get the number of lines
counts = counts(counts > 1)-1; %# to put in each group
data = mat2cell(allLines,counts); %# Group the non-empty lines
Some of the functions used above: FGETL, DEBLANK, REGEXP, CELLFUN, MAT2CELL.