I wanna access value of first column of selected row. I used SqlDataSource as a source, and ModelFields in Store. I got datas for GridPanel directly from sql database. I am accessing row number of selected rows by using ;
RowSelectionModel rsm = grid1.SelectionModel.Primary as RowSelectionModel;
and record id returns something that i did not implement;
rsm.SelectedRecordID; //returns ext-33-0 or ext-33-1 depends on row number
How can I access the first (or any) column of selected row? Thank you.
Related scripts;
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Database %>"
<ext:Store ID="sqlStore" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" >
<ext:Model runat="server">
<ext:ModelField Name = "billNo" Unique="true" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "senderVKN" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "receiverVKN" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "Date" Type="Date" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "Amount" />
<ext:GridPanel ID="grid1" runat="server"
ColumnLines ="true"
StoreID ="sqlStore">
<ColumnModel runat="server">
<ext:Column ID="billColumn" runat="server" Text="Bill No" DataIndex="billNo" ></ext:Column>
<ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModel1" runat="server" Mode="Single" />
First of all I changed some parts of my code;
<ext:Store ID="sqlStore1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" >
<ext:Model IDProperty="RowID" runat="server" Name="storeModel" >
<ext:ModelField Name = "RowID" Type="String"/>
<ext:ModelField Name = "BillNo" Type="String"/>
<ext:ModelField Name = "SenderVKN" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "ReceiverVKN" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "Date" Type="Date" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "Amount" />
<ext:ModelField Name = "Description" />
then I used RowSelectionModel;
protected void appBillButton_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
RowSelectionModel rsm = grid1.SelectionModel.Primary as RowSelectionModel;
if (rsm.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
foreach (SelectedRow sr in rsm.SelectedRows)
X.Msg.Info("Success", "Function completed successfuly.");
X.Msg.Alert("Error", "Please select row.").Show();
Model field names must be same with your SqlDataSource's command value names.