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jQuery pagination and fadein/fadeout

I'm totally new and unfortunately I'm not good with jQuery. But I have the following problem and I would deeply appreciate your help!

I got a list of items that I want to paginate. I am already able to paginate that list consisting of

<ul class="products_erweitert">
        <div class="asa2_uhrenshop_main_container"></div>
        <div class="asa2_uhrenshop_main_container"></div>

with the following scripts:

            itemsToPaginate : ".asa2_uhrenshop_main_container"


    $.fn.customPaginate = function(options){
        var paginationContainer = this;
        var itemsToPaginate;
        var defaults = {
            itemsPerPage : 6
        var settings = {};

        $.extend(settings, defaults, options);

        var itemsPerPage = settings.itemsPerPage;

        itemsToPaginate = $(settings.itemsToPaginate);
        var numberOfPaginationLinks = Math.ceil((itemsToPaginate.length / itemsPerPage));


        for(var index = 0; index < numberOfPaginationLinks; index++){
            paginationContainer.find("ul").append("<li>"+ (index+1) + "</li>");

        itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + (itemsPerPage - 1)  + ")").hide();

        paginationContainer.find("ul li").on('click', function(){
            var linkNumber = $(this).text();
            var itemsToHide = itemsToPaginate.filter(":lt(" + ((linkNumber-1) * itemsPerPage)  + ")");
            $.merge(itemsToHide, itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + ((linkNumber * itemsPerPage) - 1)  + ")"));

            var itemsToShow = itemsToPaginate.not(itemsToHide);

But I got three problems.

1.) Let's say I have 18 items in that list. So these 18 items generate 3 pages. I would like to have a smooth transition or fadein/fadeout effect between them. Unfortunately I did not succeed so far in doing so...

2.) Right now I have three buttons on the bottom for page 1, 2 and 3. I would like to have a "Previous" and "Next" button, but I don't know how to integrate that into my code.

3.) When I click on page 2 of my list of 18 items, the first 6 items are hidden. Unfortunately their <li> container is still there and has a margin, which seems to require space at the top.

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I was able to fix number 3) by myself. I assigned a class to the aforementioned <li> class and made it to <li class="pagination_show">. Then I updated the first code snippet and replaced .asa2_uhrenshop_main_container with .pagination_show.

Edit 2: I made a jsfiddle:


  • For issue 1, try this please,

           $.fn.customPaginate = function(options)
               var paginationContainer = this;
               var itemsToPaginate;
               var defaults = {
                    itemsPerPage : 3
               var settings = {};
               $.extend(settings, defaults, options);
               var itemsPerPage = settings.itemsPerPage;
               itemsToPaginate = $(settings.itemsToPaginate);
               var numberOfPaginationLinks = Math.ceil((itemsToPaginate.length / itemsPerPage));
               for(var index = 0; index < numberOfPaginationLinks; index++)
                    paginationContainer.find("ul").append("<li>"+ (index+1) + "</li>");
               itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + (itemsPerPage - 1)  + ")").hide();
               paginationContainer.find("ul li").on('click', function(){
                    var linkNumber = $(this).text();
                    var itemsToHide = itemsToPaginate.filter(":lt(" + ((linkNumber-1) * itemsPerPage)  + ")");
                    $.merge(itemsToHide, itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + ((linkNumber * itemsPerPage) - 1)  + ")"));
                    var itemsToShow = itemsToPaginate.not(itemsToHide);
                itemsToPaginate : ".pagination_show"

    I have changed"fast"); to;

    Here I'm passing time in milliseconds as the parameter instead of "fast", you can change that time parameter as per your requirements.

    For issue 2, I suggest you go for a jQuery pagination plugin. There are plenty of them e.g, jQuery-Paging , smart paginator (this was decent, we used it in our application)

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