We are using winston logger in our project with the following transport settings:
file: {
filename: __base + '/log/server.log',
colorize : true,
timestamp : true,
json : false,
prettyPrint : true
If the application is started with nohup, log file is not colorized. It works only without nohup.
nohup supervisor -w . -i node_modules/ server.js &
Is it problem with winston or nohup?
It's caused by colors package (used by winston
) that performs the following check when trying to determine whether to support colors:
if (process.stdout && !process.stdout.isTTY) {
return false;
This means that when your application is running in a background, it doesn't have a terminal and colors are not used. This affects commands/apps other than nohup
as well (see issue #121).
A simple workaround is to start your application with --color=true
argument (or to simulate it with process.argv.push('--color=true')
before require('winston')
is called.
Alternatively, you can patch winston
- just add one line to lib/winston/config.js:
var colors = require('colors/safe');
colors.enabled = true; // add this line
However, all of these workarounds will most likely make the console logger to use colors even when there is no terminal.