I have two tables user
and comment
: a user can post a comment to another user.
I want create two foreign key from comment
table to user
table witch one contain comment writer user_id
and another contain comment owner user_id
i use this code :
$agent->link($TB_Comment,array("comment"=>$comment, "indate"=> time()))->sharedUsers = $user ;
and it create this column in my table (user_id , sharedUser_Id)
but i want to rename sharedUser_Id
to writerId
how can i do this? and is there a way to create custom forign key with favorite name in redbeanphp framework ?
With your example, you can achieve something very close (writer_id, instead of writerId) to what you want easily using aliases.
See this snippet:
require 'rb.php'; // rb 4.2.4 (for the record)
list($owner, $writer) = R::dispenseAll('user*2')[0];
$owner->name = 'Owner';
$writer->name = 'Writer';
R::storeAll([$owner, $writer]);
$comment = R::dispense('comment');
$comment->user = $owner;
$comment->writer = $writer;
$commentId = R::store($comment);
// Schema with user_id & writer_id:
print_r(R::load('comment', $commentId)->export());
[id] => 4
[user_id] => 7
[writer_id] => 8
// This fails:
$comment = R::load('comment', $commentId);
echo $comment->writer->name . ' => ' . $comment->user->name . "\n";
=> Owner
// But, using aliases, this works:
$comment = R::load('comment', $commentId);
echo $comment->fetchAs('user')->writer->name . ' => ' . $comment->user->name . "\n";
Writer => Owner
// Or, using aliases & magic:
R::setAutoResolve(true); // magic!
$comment = R::load('comment', $commentId);
echo $comment->writer->name . ' => ' . $comment->user->name . "\n";
Writer => Owner