I have got this code to crossfade the background of an ImageView:
private void setWithCrossfade(Bitmap bitmap) {
//create drawable vector
Drawable backgrounds[] = new Drawable[2];
//getting first image
backgrounds[0] = mImageView.getDrawable();
backgrounds[1] = new BitmapDrawable(mImageView.getResources(), bitmap);
TransitionDrawable transitionDrawable = new TransitionDrawable(backgrounds);
//it is needed to reset scale type
//start crossfading
The ImageView scaleType
is set to centerCrop
in the XML layout. However, when the crossfade finishes, the new bitmap is set to fitXY
. In other thread they say it can be solved by resetting the scaleType
, but it is not working either. Resizing the bitmap is not a proper solution in terms of memory. Is there any workaround to implement this? Thank you very much.
P.S.: Please, do not suggest crossfading 2 ImageViews, or using a ViewSwitcher thanks.
I had the same problem. The problem is that a TransitionDrawable
needs two drawables of the same size. If it is not the same size it stretches to the size of the first Image. Picasso already handles this. So I took the PicassoDrawable from Picasso and first set the placeholder and then the bitmap.
PicassoDrawable.setPlaceholder(imageView, placeholderDrawable);
PicassoDrawable.setBitmap(imageView, context, bitmap);
You may need to set the class and those methods to public. Also I removed some methods only relevant for Picasso. Now it should fade correctly with different image sizes.