I need to get the number of lines with 2 different conditions for 1 text file. The first condition is that values of the third column are smaller than 10 so I can do it by the following script:
awk '$3<=10' DATA_File | wc -l
The second condition is just to get a total number of lines in the same file this I can get by:
awk 'END { print FNR}' DATA_File
awk '$3' DATA_File | wc -l
However, what I don't know is how to merge these to commands in a single string so I can get the result saved in a separate file with one string separated by either "tab" or "space" consisting of "number of string with <10", "total number of strings", "their ratio/ or percentage"
for instance the file is:
wer fre 11
grt o34 5
45f 123 45
the output I need is:
2 3 0.66/ or 66%
I could write a small script on python which would do it but due to a number of reasons bash would be much more convenient.
You can for example say:
$ awk '$3<=10 {min10++} END {print min10, FNR, (FNR?min10/FNR:0)}' file
1 3 0.333333
Or print
and output to a file like print ... > "new_file"
You can also use printf
to provide a better format:
$ awk '$3<=10 {min10++} END {printf "%d %d %.2f%\n", min10, FNR, (FNR?min10/FNR:0)}' file
1 3 0.33%
The (FNR?min10/FNR:0)
trick is courtesy of Ed Morton and is used to prevent diving by zero.