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Converting date format with PHP

I have a situation where I need to change the date format using PHP.

The site uses Joomla & k2. The template uses the following to obtain the articles publish date:

$itemCreated = JHTML::_('date', $item->created, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4'));
echo $itemCreated;

This will output the date in the following date format: A d B Y

I need to change it to appear in the date format: Y m d

(note: For those familar with Joomla & K2: I DO NOT want to use a language override. This particular task needs to be done only using PHP).


  • This is what you can do in PHP

    Assuming you are rcieving the time in UNIX Timestamp

    $time = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($your_unix_timestamp));