need help with a non-extended BNF grammar:
Σ = {a,b,c}
L = {ω ɛ Σ^* | such that all a's (if any) comes before all c's(if any)}
For example, the strings aba, cbc, and abacbc are in the language, but string abcabc is not.
This is what i have so far (is it correct ? please correct me if i am wrong):
Your comment says you want equal numbers of a and c, so start with the simple grammar that does that:
S -> aSc | ε
and add in any number of b's before/after/between those:
S -> BaScB | B
B -> Bb | ε
note that the above is not ambiguous (it's even LR(1)).
If you want to allow a different number of a's and c's, you can use the same approach to avoid ambiguity. Start with just the a's and c's:
S -> AC
A -> Aa | ε
C -> Cc | ε
and add in b's at the beginning and after each other character:
S -> BAC
A -> AaB | ε
C -> CcB | ε
B -> Bb | ε