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MiniTest, Capybara, Fixture, Database_Cleaner not passing at second time

The following test passed first time (after rake db:test:prepare) but failed gave error on subsequent run.

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find css "#sale_payment_btn"

require "test_helper"

DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

class SaleFeatureTest < Capybara::Rails::TestCase
  include Warden::Test::Helpers

  self.use_transactional_fixtures = false

  setup do
    login_as users(:admin), scope: :user
    Capybara.current_driver = :selenium #:webkit

  teardown do

  test "Sale" do        
    visit(new_sale_path) # create new sale and redirect to it
    assert page.has_css?('#sale_payment_btn') # gave error at second time
    find(:css, '#sale_payment_btn').click # this create payment

As I used selenium with chrome, I could see the ID of the sale. I noticed that the ID was the same for subsequent test. i.e. 980190963

My theory is that

  1. database_cleaner not functioning as expected. (Although I see DB cleaning sql commands on test.log file, I saw data remained in database)

  2. visit does not create new @sale (as stated here though I use minitest) because #sal_payment_btn is not rendered (sale already has payment on first run).

I'm pulling my hair around for half day now. I have tried

  • webkit driver
  • different cleaning strategy truncation, deletion

and I still can't pass the test on second run. It is running okay on manual test.

What and where did I do wrong?

P.S. I'm using the following gems


I have read the following


  • I've confirmed that the problem was my setup of database_cleaner.

    Short version

    :transaction strategy was not working for my setup cucumber+webkit/selenium. Changed to :deletion strategy.

    What I learnt

    It seemed I didn't study enough. I found out the following during my search for answer.

    1. Someone asked Why is the database cleaner transaction strategy not working with Cucumber and Selenium? - no answer

    2. How to set up database_cleaner for Rails with Cucumber and RSpec stated that

      The :transaction strategy does not work with Selenium

    3. database_cleaner readme stated that :transaction strategy imposes bit more working

      However, if you wind up needing to use multiple database connections in your tests (i.e. your tests run in a different process than your application) then using this strategy becomes a bit more difficult

    Other worthy reading