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Haskell and laziness

I've just started to learn Haskell and I was told that Haskell is lazy, i.e. it does as little work as possible in evaluating expressions, but I don't think that's true.

Consider this:

und :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
und False y = False
und y False = False

non_term x = non_term (x+1)

The evaluation of und (non_term 1) False never terminates, but it's clear that the result if False.

Is there a way to implement und (i.e. and in German) correctly (not just partially as above) so that both

und (non_term 1) False


und False (non_term 1)

return False?


  • You can write a complete definition for und that will work on non-terminating expressions... sort of

    To make this work, you need your own definition of Bool that makes explicit the delay in any computation:

    import Prelude hiding (Bool(..))
    data Bool = True | False | Delay Bool
      deriving (Show, Eq)

    Then whenever you define a value of type Bool, you have to constrain yourself to co-recursion, where the delays are made explicit with the Delay constructor, rather than via recursion, where you have to evaluate a sub-expression to find the constructor for the top-level return value.

    In this world, a non-terminating value could look like:

    nonTerm :: Bool
    nonTerm = Delay nonTerm

    Then und becomes:

    und :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    und False y = False
    und x False = False
    und True y  = y
    und x True  = x
    und (Delay x) (Delay y) = Delay $ und x y

    which works just fine:

    λ und True False
    λ und False nonTerm
    λ und nonTerm False
    λ case und nonTerm nonTerm of Delay _ -> "delayed" ; _ -> "not delayed"

    Following up on dfeuer's comment, it looks like what you're looking for can be done with unamb

    λ :m +Data.Unamb 
    λ let undL False _ = False ; undL _ a = a
    λ let undR _ False = False ; undR a _ = a
    λ let und a b = undL a b `unamb` undR a b
    λ und True False
    λ und False False
    λ und False True
    λ und True True
    λ und undefined False
    λ und False undefined