How to insert insert query with "where" condition in 4store sparql As far as I have searched I got to know that we have to use curl command for the same.I tried using this
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"bash","-c","curl -i -d 'update=INSERT+DATA+{+?subject2+<>+?subject3+.+}+WHERE+{+?subject2+<http://localhost:2020/vocab/Schema_feature>+\""+first[0]+"\"+.+?subject3+<http://localhost:2020/vocab/Schema_feature>+\""+first[1]+"\"+.+}' http://localhost:8000/update/"});
but it is saying "WHERE" should not be there.What I am doing wrong? Is there any other way to do that With simple insert command I am not able to work in sparql
It is working but for ?subject3 it is entering empty value.I don't know why.When I check the triples for where condition they are showing values
You don't
insert data { ... } where { ... }
You can either insert constant data with:
insert data { ... }
or you can compute the data to insert with
insert { ... } where { ... }
It looks like that latter one is what you want here.