I want to drop all user sessions when user resets his password, but I can't find a way to do that. My idea was to get all UserTokens of the specific user and delete them, but it seems impossible, because of
user = model.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
in UserToken model
Any ideas how to do that?
I see two ways how to do that.
First is to inherit from the UserToken
class making user
an indexed property. Then you can set the token_model
class property to your new token model in your user class. Here is the code:
class MyToken(UserToken):
user = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
class MyUser(User):
token_model = MyToken
# etc.
Don't forget to set the user model used by webapp2 to your user class if you do not do it already:
webapp2_config = {
"webapp2_extras.auth": {
"user_model": "models.MyUser"
# etc.
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(routes, config=webapp2_config)
The second way is to make a complicated datastore query based on the token key name. Since the key names are of the form <user_id>.<scope>.<random>
, it is possible to retrieve all the entities starting with a specific user ID. Have a look at the code:
def query_tokens_by_user(user_id):
min_key = ndb.Key(UserToken, "%s." % user_id)
max_key = ndb.Key(UserToken, "%s/" % user_id) # / is the next ASCII character after .
return UserToken.query(UserToken.key > min_key, UserToken.key < max_key)
This uses the fact that the query by key names works in the lexicographical order.