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Auto implement Unique ID in a hashable class

I create a new class that I want to be Hashable and Equatable so I can easily loop through it, a class example is below:

class MyClass: Hashable {
    var uid: Int
    var myName: String
    var myAge:Int
    var hashValue: Int {
        return self.uid
    init(uid: Int, name: String, age: Int) {
        self.uid = uid
        self.myName = name
        self.myAge = age

func ==(lhs: MyClass, rhs: MyClass) -> Bool {
    return lhs.uid == rhs.uid

The problem is that now I have to pass a uid when I create the class, like so:

let user1 = MyUser(uid: 1, name: "Me", age: 36)

I want to make the uid static and auto generate a new one for each object I create, like so:

let user2 = User(name: "The other guy", age: 23)

In this case the uid for user2 would be equals 2, it is just a set property it does not need to have a get as it should work completely transparent to the person using the class.

However everytime I try to change uid to be a static var or a class var I cannot make it conform with Hashable protocol

Thanks in advance


  • What I think you're going for is: (1) you'd like to have a type property that stores the next (or last) UID to vend, and (2) every time you create a User, you'd like them to automatically be assigned a UID.

    Something like below would accomplish this task (note we also include a generateUid() function):

    class MyClass: Hashable {
        static var nextUid = 1
        static func generateUid() -> Int {
          return nextUid++
        let uid: Int
        var myName: String
        var myAge:Int
        var hashValue: Int {
            return self.uid
        init(name: String, age: Int) {
            self.uid = MyClass.generateUid()
            self.myName = name
            self.myAge = age