I'm trying to start a robospice request in Activity A and then receive the results of the request in Activity B.
In Activity A
FetchSpiceRequest fetchSpiceRequest = new FetchSpiceRequest();
spiceManager.execute(fetchSpiceRequest, new ActivityB().postListener);
The PostListener implements PendingRequestListener and is sitting within Activity B.
In Activity B
We addListener for the pending request that was started in Activity A below.
protected void onStart() {
spiceManager.start( this );
spiceManager.addListenerIfPending(Post.class, 0, new PostListener());
We then implement the PostListener in Activity B below.
public final class PostListener implements PendingRequestListener<Post> {
public void onRequestFailure(SpiceException spiceException) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Exception: " + spiceException.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onRequestSuccess(Post post) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Added", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onRequestNotFound() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Request not found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Finally, we create a variable within Activity B called so that A can pick it up (eg. when I call new ActivityB().postListener):
public PostListener PostListener;
This doesn't work and it always calls onRequestNotFound in the PostListener.
What am I doing wrong?
I have also looked at this post: Robospice - keep spice service continue running when changing activity but @Snicolas doesn't seem to mention anything about how the spiceManager.execute statement should look like in the first activity.
Eventually, I had to use LocalBroadcastManager to achieve what I want to do:
Activity A
FetchSpiceRequest fetchSpiceRequest = new FetchSpiceRequest();
spiceManager.execute(fetchSpiceRequest, postListener);
Please note that postListener is situated within Activity A. It actually doesn't do much as all the work will now be performed inside the localbroadcastreceiver:
public final class AddPostListener implements RequestListener<Post> {
public void onRequestFailure(SpiceException spiceException) {
Toast.makeText(AddPostActivity.this, "Exception: " + spiceException.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onRequestSuccess(Post post) {
Toast.makeText(AddPostActivity.this, "Added", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Log.e("AddPostListener", "Background service finished"); }
Inside the fetchSpiceRequest, we perform the work asynchronously and once it is finished, we call the localbroadcast manager to send our results back to Activity B:
public class FetchSpiceRequest extends SpringAndroidSpiceRequest<Post> {
private Post mPost;
private Context mContext;
public AddPostSpiceRequest(Context context, Post post) {
mPost = post;
mContext = context;
public Post loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
//Do some network activity to get a post and then after the network activity ends, send the post through the broadcast activity to Activity B
Intent intent = new Intent("my-event");
intent.putExtra("post", post);
Activity B
Register your localBroadcast receiver:
public void onResume() {
new IntentFilter("my-event")); }
Do something with the received message:
private BroadcastReceiver mMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Get extra data included in the Intent
Post post = intent.getParcelableExtra("post");
Log.e("receiver", "Got message: " + post.getPostheader());