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What's wrong with these macro parameters?

I have the following simplified version of a piece of code that I am working on:

%macro test(var);

%if &var = 'Sub Prime' %then %do;
%let var2 = 'Sub_Prime';
%put &var2;

%test(Sub%str( )Prime);

Basically the point of this is that if var = 'Sub Prime' that var2 should = 'Sub_Prime'. It appears though that var does not equal 'Sub Prime'. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?



  • Macro variables do not use quotations.

    %macro test(var);
    %if &var = %str(Sub Prime) %then %do;
      %let var2 = Sub_Prime;
      %put &=var2;
    %test(Sub%str( )Prime);

    You'd be better off using %str around the whole thing, though, rather than inserting the %str in just the space.

    %test(%str(Sub Prime));