I have some problems to get a specific rule to fire in DTM. And the documentation on custom rule conditions from Adobe is very basic. What is should do:
With this script this should work:
var n = document.cookie,
i = "someCookie" + "=",
o = n.indexOf("; " + i);
if (-1 == o) {
if (o = n.indexOf(i), 0 != o) return null
} else {
o += 2;
var r = document.cookie.indexOf(";", o); - 1 == r && (r = n.length)
return unescape(n.substring(o + i.length, r))
But it does the exact opposite. When the cookie exists, the rule is fired.
If you want to stick with using a Data > Custom condition, ultimately it must either return (bool) true
if you want the condition to pass, or (bool) false
if you want the condition to fail.
Simple Example:
Only trigger rule if js var foo
equals "bar":
if ((typeof foo!='undefined')&&(foo=='bar'))
return true;
return false;