I want to do multiple sub string replace based on starting and length. Currently I have an array with values
my string: "Hi Rameez plz call charlie"
sample array : array('123','Rameez Rami',4,6), array('124','Charlie Russet',20,7)
And what I want is
Rameez to Rameez charlie to Charlie
my current code is
foreach ($descriptionMapArray as $key=> $taggedItem) {
$descriptionTagLink='<a href="'.URL::to("/").'/user/profile/'.$taggedItemData->id.'">'.$taggedItemData->name.'</a>';
foreach ($descriptionMapArray as $key=> $taggedItem) {
$descriptionTagLink='<a href="/user/profile/'.$taggedItemData->id.'">'.$taggedItemData->name.'</a>';
if($startofsub < strlen(Input::get('description'))){
echo '<br/>RESULT:-'.$taggedDescription;