I want to develop a cross platform chat application which I can use to send text,url,image,location,video to my friends which can be on android/ios/web.
I want chat to be realtime, and want to make sure that even if user is not using application, he get a 'Notification' for new incoming chat message.
How to do it using just Firebase or just Parse or just PubNub? If it is not possible, we can explore possibility of using them in combination.
Notes / Problems: 1. Firebase: it has 'Firechat' for web, 'firechat/swiftchat' for iOS and 'chat' for android. how to synchronize them with each other?
PubNub has limitation of sending just 32kb in one message.
I read few places that Parse does not support realtime chat?
I tried searching for different questions here already, but did not find any solution that will satisfy all my requirements.
Use PubNub for realtime chat. There are SDKs for all platforms you listed. For images, you send/receive the data with a image url, while storing the images using Parse.
As long as you use the same credentials (your pub/sub keys) to publish all messages to the same channel, all messages are synced no matter what platform your users are on.
For push notifications, you should be able to use either PubNub or Parse.
If you need to map user locations in realtime, try EON by PubNub too. http://www.pubnub.com/developers/eon/