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downgrading iPhone 3GS iOS4 to OS3

I'm working on an iphone project for OS3.1.3. I updated my iPhone to iOS4 and now I can't test my project on my iPhone anymore. I tried downgrading but get "device not eligible"

What should I do now?

If I download latest XCode SDK4 will I be able to recreate my app so that it runs both on OS3 and OS4 ? It has no specific os4 features.. it should just run on both and want to test it on real iphone with os4..



  • First of all, downgrading your phone won't work. at least not with the "official" approach. I think once there is a Jailbreak for iOS4, downgrading your phone should be possible again.

    Secondly, Creating an iOS app with XCode SDK4 that runs on your 3.x devices is no problem at all:

    Just set the "iPhone OS Deployment Target" Value (Target -> Info -> Build) to "iPhone OS 3.0"