I'm new to Apache SVN and I need some help to use a pre-commit script to filter which files are being upload to my repository.
I was searching a lot and found this script on another question, but it didn't work for me.
#Put all the restricted formats in variable FILTER
# Figure out what directories have changed using svnlook.
FILES=`${SVNLOOK} changed -t ${REPOS} ${TXN} | ${AWK} '{ print $2 }'` > /dev/null
for FILE in $FILES; do
#Get the base Filename to extract its extension
NAME=`basename "$FILE"`
#Get the extension of the current file
EXTENSION=`echo "$NAME" | cut -d'.' -f2-`
#Checks if it contains the restricted format
if [[ "$FILTER" == *"$EXTENSION"* ]]; then
echo "Your commit has been blocked because you are trying to commit a restricted file." 1>&2
echo "Please contact SVN Admin. -- Thank you" 1>&2
exit 1
exit 0
If I try to use svnlook changed -t repodirectory
it didn't work because had a missing subcommand.
I overwrote my pre-commit.tmpl
but it didn't work, can someone help me?
First - seems you incorrectly use svnlook. It should has parameters:
svnlook changed ${REPOS} -t ${TXN}
-t means 'read from transaction' and TXN - transaction name itself.
Second - not sure if I understand correctly, but hook file should has name pre-commit not pre-commit.tmpl
Third - pre-commit should has correct rights. For tests try a+rwx
update. It is not easy to obtain transaction object for tests, but you can use svnlook -r <revision> <repositiry_path>
and experiment on already commited revisions.