Can generic constraints be used to enforce a constraint on type derivatives of an abstract class, but only those that implement an interface?
abstract class Dependency
public abstract void IMustDoThis();
interface IOptionalDependency
void IMightDoThis();
sealed class AlmightyDependency : Dependency, IOptionalDependency
// I have sealed this for a reason!
public override void IMustDoThis()
// I am almighty because I do this!
public void IMightDoThis()
// I am almighty because I can do this too!
class ThisIsntTheAnswer : AlmightyDependency
// AlmightyDependency is sealed...this is not the answer I'm looking for!
static class DoSomeAlmightyWork
static void INeedToDoBoth<T>(T dependency) where T : Dependency ...AND... IOptionalDependency
if (something)
Is there any way to enforce such a dependency in C#?
Current Solutions:
My current solution is as follows:
static void INeedToDoBoth(Dependency dependency, IOptionalDependency optional)
if (something)
But this means I pass the same parameter twice, which looks dirty!
INeedToDoBoth(dependency, dependency);
Another workaround I have considered is:
static void INeedToDoBoth(IOptionalDependency optional)
Dependency dependency = optional as Dependency;
if(dependency != null)
// But if I MUST do this, and I was null...then what?
if (something)
Sounds like you're just missing the ability to specify both a class and interfaces as a comma-separated list in the constraints:
static void INeedToDoBoth<T>(T dependency)
where T : Dependency, IOptionalDependency
Note that the class constraint must come first here.
See the MSDN page for type parameter constraints or the C# 5 specification section 10.1.5 for more details.