I have me some Resharper squiggles here.
and they tell me that I have a possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable going on. However you can see that this is not true. final is explicitly declared as a list ( List<Point2D>
) and pointTangents is declared previously as List<PointVector2D>
Any idea on why Resharper might be telling me this?
Edit Experiments To See If I can replicate with simpler code
As you can see below there are no squiggles and no warnings even though Bar is declared to take IEnumerable as arg.
Looks a lot like RSRP-429474 False-positive warning for possible multiple enumeration :
I have this code:
List<string> duplicateLabelsList = allResourcesLookup.SelectMany(x => x).Select(x => x.LoaderOptions.Label).Duplicates<string, string>().ToList(); ; if (duplicateLabelsList.Any()) throw new DuplicateResourceLoaderLabelsException(duplicateLabelsList);
For both usages of duplicateLabelsList, I'm being warned about possible multiple enumeration, despite the fact I've called ToList and therefore there should be no multiple enumeration.
which (currently) has a Fix Version of 9.2, which (currently) isn't yet released.