This is a quick one for anyone who knows sagepay or can spot what I cannot.
I have two baskets that get sent to sagepay:
This works:
<description>Selling premier package</description>
This comes back with a "Status Detail: 3021 : The Basket format is invalid." error?
<description>Selling premier package</description>
Can anyone spot why? :S
I'll attempt to expand on Nathan's question/comment/answer as I just suffered from the same issue.
When trying to implement SagePay's Server Integration method, I figured that the best place to start would be with their PHP demonstration source code as I suspect that Nathan did. Contained within are a number of classes for building up a basket and contacting SagePay through their API. Unfortunately it looks like there is fundamental flaw within how the BastketXML is exported resulting in what Nathan is describing above.
Within /lib/classes/item.php you'll find on line 615:
if (is_float($value))
$node = $basket->createElement($name, number_format($value, 2));
This relies upon local environment variables to format the number correctly whereas what's required by SagePay would be:
if (is_float($value))
$node = $basket->createElement($name, number_format($value, 2, '.', ''));