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How to change the floating label color of TextInputLayout

With reference to the new TextInputLayout released by Google, how do I change the floating label text color?

Setting colorControlNormal, colorControlActivated, colorControlHighLight in styles does not help.

This is what I have now:

This is what I have now


  • Try The Below Code It Works In Normal State


    In Styles Folder TextLabel Code

     <style name="TextLabel" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat">
        <!-- Hint color and label color in FALSE state -->
        <item name="android:textColorHint">@color/Color Name</item> 
        <item name="android:textSize">20sp</item>
        <!-- Label color in TRUE state and bar color FALSE and TRUE State -->
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/Color Name</item>
        <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/Color Name</item>
        <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/Color Name</item>

    Set To Main Theme of App,It Works Only Highlight State Only

     <item name="colorAccent">@color/Color Name</item>


    UnsupportedOperationException: Can't convert to color: type=0x2 in api 16 or below



    Are you using Material Components Library

    You can add below lines to your main theme

     <item name="colorPrimary">@color/your_color</item> // Activated State
     <item name="colorOnSurface">@color/your_color</item> // Normal State

    or else do you want different colors in noraml state and activated state and with customization follow below code

    <style name="Widget.App.TextInputLayout" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox">
        <item name="materialThemeOverlay">@style/ThemeOverlay.App.TextInputLayout</item>
        <item name="shapeAppearance">@style/ShapeAppearance.App.SmallComponent</item> //Changes the Shape Apperance
        <!--<item name="hintTextColor">?attr/colorOnSurface</item>-->   //When you added this line it will applies only one color in normal and activate state i.e colorOnSurface color
    <style name="ThemeOverlay.App.TextInputLayout" parent="">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>  //Activated color
        <item name="colorOnSurface">@color/colorPrimary</item>    //Normal color
        <item name="colorError">@color/colorPrimary</item>        //Error color
        //Text Appearance styles
        <item name="textAppearanceSubtitle1">@style/TextAppearance.App.Subtitle1</item>
        <item name="textAppearanceCaption">@style/TextAppearance.App.Caption</item>
        <!--Note: When setting a materialThemeOverlay on a custom TextInputLayout style, don’t forget to set editTextStyle to either a @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputEditText.* style or to a custom one that inherits from that.
        The TextInputLayout styles set materialThemeOverlay that overrides editTextStyle with the specific TextInputEditText style needed. Therefore, you don’t need to specify a style tag on the edit text.-->
        <item name="editTextStyle">@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputEditText.OutlinedBox</item>
    <style name="TextAppearance.App.Subtitle1" parent="TextAppearance.MaterialComponents.Subtitle1">
        <item name="fontFamily">@font/your_font</item>
        <item name="android:fontFamily">@font/your_font</item>
    <style name="TextAppearance.App.Caption" parent="TextAppearance.MaterialComponents.Caption">
        <item name="fontFamily">@font/your_font</item>
        <item name="android:fontFamily">@font/your_font</item>
    <style name="ShapeAppearance.App.SmallComponent" parent="ShapeAppearance.MaterialComponents.SmallComponent">
        <item name="cornerFamily">cut</item>
        <item name="cornerSize">4dp</item>

    Add the below line to your main theme or else you can set style to textinputlayout in your xml

    <item name="textInputStyle">@style/Widget.App.TextInputLayout</item>