In my app, I get Lync Presence of our employees through UCWA. It works fine, but I need to knock to Lync with reportMyActivity
every 3-4 minute.
I don't need to get presence info at night when employees are not at work, so I stop reportingMyActivity at the end of the working day and resume at it's beginning. Then trying to extend presence subscription, and if I get 404, I create new presence subscription. But no presence updates after those manipulations.
Is it designed to work this way? How could I avoid reportingMyActivity
at night?
If you don't do reportMyActivity
your Application will be drained, because assumed inactive.
I think you only have two options then:
regurarly also at night, you'll just stop extending presence subscription. Very likely you'll have to manage access token expiration too, which is normally 8 hours valid