I'm having some difficulties in understanding some aspects of functions with pointers. Here is the code I'm running:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Item
Item(Item * it)
data = it->data;
Item(int d)
data = d;
void printData()
cout << data << endl;
int data;
int main()
Item i1(79);
Item i2(i1);
This code works, the problem is that I don't understand why! The constructor for the Item class needs a pointer, but I'm passing an object to it, not a pointer to the object. The code also works if I actually pass the pointer by using:
Item i2(&i1);
So, is the ampersand optional? Does the compiler recognise that I meant to pass a pointer instead of the actual object and take care of that by itself? I expect a compiling error in this kind of situation. I get very frustrated if my code works when it shouldn't :-)
Item i2(i1);
This works because it is not calling your user-defined constructor which takes a pointer, it is calling the implicitly generated copy-constructor which has the signature:
Item (const Item &);
If you don't want this to be valid, you can delete it (requires C++11):
Item (const Item &) = delete;
If your compiler doesn't support C++11, you can just declare it private.