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How do I get many property values from View to Presenter in WebFormsMvp?

What is the best way to get a number of property values of a business object from the View to the Presenter in a WebFormsMvp page?

Bearing in mind this issue with DataSources.

Here is what i propose:

The scenario is, I have a business object called Quote which i would like to load form the database, edit and then save. The Quote class has heaps of properties on it. The form is concerned with about 20 of these properties. I have existing methods to load/save a Quote object to/from the database. I now need to wire this all together.

So, in the View_Load handler on my presenter i intend to do something like this:

public void View_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    View.Model.Quote = quoteService.Read(quoteId);

And then bind all my controls as follows:

<asp:TextBox ID="TotalPriceTextBox" runat="server"
    Text="<%# Model.Quote.TotalPrice %>" />

All good, the data is on the screen.

The user then makes a bunch of changes and hits a "Submit" button. Here is where I'm unsure.

I create a class called QuoteEventArgs exposing the 20 properties the form is able to edit. When the View raises the Submit button's event, I set these properties to the values of the controls in the code behind. Then raise the event for the presenter to respond to. The presenter re-loads the Quote object from the database, sets all the properties and saves it to the database.

Is this the right way to do this? If not, what is?


  • "A nicer way" (/alternative) is to make use of the 2-way binding, therefore what will be passed back to the Presenter for processing will be your Quote object.

    This can be achieved through the use of an asp:FormView in conjunction with the mvp:PageDataSource that specifies an UpdateMethod and the Bind() method.

    The WebFormsMVP sample project demonstrates this via the 'EditWidgetControl', including the methods required on the View code-behind file.

    As an option your view can simply implement only the EditItemTemplate for asp:FormView making use of DefaultMode="Edit" on the FormView.

    Sample Structure:

    <asp:FormView DataSourceID="theSource" DefaultMode="Edit">
                <asp:TextBox id="totp" value='<%# Bind("TotalPrice") %>' runat="server" />
    <mvp:PageDataSource ID="theSource" runat="server"


    public void UpdateQuote(Quote q, Quote ori)
        OnUpdatingQuote(q, ori);
    public event EventHandler<UpdateQuoteEventArgs> UpdatingQuote;
    private void OnUpdatingQuote(Quote q, Quote ori)
       if (UpdatingUserGroup != null)
           UpdatingUserGroup(this, new UpdateQuoteEventArgs(q, ori));