Is there any easy way to toggle "do/end" and "{}" in ruby in Vim?
(TextMate does this with ^{
You'd have to either use searchpair(), or to play with % (as long as matchit is installed, and as you are on begin/end), then mark the two positions, test whether it's text or brackets, and finally update the two lines.
nnoremap <buffer> <c-x>{ :call <sid>ToggleBeginOrBracket()<cr>
let s:k_be = [ 'begin', 'end' ]
function! s:ToggleBeginOrBracket()
let c = lh#position#char_at_mark('.')
if c =~ '[{}]'
" don't use matchit for {,}
exe 'normal! %s'.s:k_be[1-(c=='}')]."\<esc>``s".s:k_be[(c=='}')]."\<esc>"
let w = expand('<cword>')
if w == 'begin'
" use mathit
normal %
exe "normal! ciw}\<esc>``ciw{\<esc>"
elseif w == 'end'
" use mathit
normal %
exe "normal! ciw{\<esc>``ciw}\<esc>"
throw 'Cannot toggle block: cursor is not on {, }, begin, nor end'
Where lh#position#char_at_mark()
is defined here.
PS: this is definitively a SO question as it combines ruby context, and advanced vim scripting.