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Is there a way to print the structure of a multi-module maven project?

I'm facing a rather large multi module maven project. I would like to see how the root (parent) project is composed out of subprojects/ child projects in the form of groupId:artifactId (possible with some identation to reflect the hierarchy.

Of course I can write my own plugin to get this printout, but I reckon that there must be something available of the shelf.


  • Hello late answer but I have added a plugin into maven repository:


    To run the plugin you will need to add into your pom as below:


    then output will look like:

       [INFO] --- structure-maven-plugin:0.0.1:printModules (default) @ test ---
    Project structure (all modules):
                    |__ a
                    |__ b
                    \__ c
                        |__ d
                        |__ e
                        |__ f

    If you want to print all files insted of modules use the goal: printAll or if you want just folders use the goal:printFolders. <inherited> means dont execute plugin also in modules and <ignore> mean skip this files using regex pattern.

    EDIT: there is never version you can pull from github: