I have a query as below:
bool variable = false//or true
var query = from e in _repository.GetAll<Entity>()
from u in e.Users
where (e.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? e.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) == this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId
from p in e.PractitionerProfiles.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { entity = e, user = u, profile = p };
This works correctly. However, I have a boolean variable that should determine whether the join to e.PractitionerProfiles should have DefaultIfEmpty, thereby making it a Left Outer Join instead of an Inner Join.
However, as I am using annoymous objects, I can't figure out how to do it correctly. So I want the ability to switch between Left and Inner Join without duplicating the whole query like:
if(variable) {
var query = from e in _repository.GetAll<Entity>()
from u in e.Users
where (e.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? e.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) == this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId
from p in e.PractitionerProfiles
select new { entity = e, user = u, profile = p };
else {
var query = from e in _repository.GetAll<Entity>()
from u in e.Users
where (e.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? e.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) == this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId
from p in e.PractitionerProfiles.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { entity = e, user = u, profile = p };
Is there a clean way to do it with one query? The problem also is that I have a number of further conditions which get placed on it, so declaring query inside the loop means it doesn't have a local variable and I don't know how to create an empty IQueryable anonymous object.
I solved it by adding the filter after the initial query, checking if the e.PractitionerProfiles were null.
var query = from e in _repository.GetAll<Entity>()
from u in e.Users
where (e.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? e.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) == this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId
from p in e.PractitionerProfiles.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { entity = e, user = u, profile = p };
if (variable)
query = query.Where(x => x.profile != null);