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How do I get values dynamically from radio buttons?

This is an on change event for anything changed on the page.

    type = $('input[name='+$(this).name+'radioName]:checked', '#myForm').val();

I want to get the radio button that is clicked. So I can show the hidden input box when Profit is clicked.

<TD align=left>
    <input type=radio name="Red" value="l" checked>Loss
    <input type=radio name="Red" value="w">Win
    <input type=radio name="Red" value="p">Profit
    <INPUT value="" name="profitRed" LENGTH="5" hidden>
<TD align=left>
    <input type=radio name="Black" value="l" checked>Loss
    <input type=radio name="Black" value="w">Win
    <input type=radio name="Black" value="p">Profit
    <INPUT value="" name="profitBlack" LENGTH="5" hidden>

So what ever radio button gets clicked, I want to grab the name, and check the value. If the value is "p", then I want to update the corresponding text box.


I'm new to JQuery and really hope someone can help me with this. It would make things so much easier than having to check each name.

Thanks a ton


  • $('input[type="radio"]').on('click',function(){
         var value = $(this).val();
         var name = $(this).attr('name');
         if(value == 'p'){
             // add . for class or # for id
             $('#profit'+ name).show();
             // this will show the element with Id='profitBlack'