I'd like to customize a key binding for "New View into File" (that appears in the "File" menu) in Sublime Text 3, but I can't figure out what to set for command
{"keys": ["ctrl+alt+v"], "command": "???"}
According to https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/commands, I would expect clone
, but it doesn't seem to work, nor a few other expressions that I tried.
Who knows the trick?
The command you are looking for is clone_file
You can see the commands asociated to sublime menus (main menu, side bar context menu, etc) inside the files with extension .sublime-menu located inside Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default.sublime-package. In this case the main menu file name is Main.sublime-menu.
Usually I find this Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation better and more complete than the original, it includes this command.