I have a small problem. Im doing a subscription to Orion Context Broker and I have a strange problem with URL of callback: this code works from tutorial:
"entities": [
"type": "Room",
"isPattern": "false",
"id": "Room1"
"attributes": [
"reference": "http://localhost:1028/accumulate",
"duration": "P1M",
"notifyConditions": [
"condValues": [
But this code doesnt work:
"entities": [
"type": "Room",
"isPattern": "false",
"id": "Room1"
"attributes": [
"reference": "",
"duration": "P1M",
"notifyConditions": [
"condValues": [
Only difference is reference field: "reference": ""
I got:
"subscribeError": {
"errorCode": {
"code": "400",
"reasonPhrase": "Bad Request",
"details": "Illegal value for JSON field"
Any Suggestion please :) thank you.
The root cause of the problem is that =
is a forbidden character, not allowed in payload request for security reasons (see this section in the user manual about it).
There are two possible workarounds:
is %3D
) and prepare your code to decode it.In case 2, you could use the follwoing reference in subscribeContext:
. Then, an example of code that will take into account the encoding and get the name
argument properly would be the following (written in Python using Flask as REST server framework):
from flask import Flask, request
from urllib import unquote
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
app = Flask(__name__)
def test():
s = unquote(request.full_path) # /accumulate?name%3Dduplex -> /accumulate?name=duplex
p = urlparse(s) # extract the query part: '?name=duplex'
d = parse_qs(p.query) # stores the query part in a Python dictionary for easy access
name= d['name'][0] # name <- 'duplex'
# Do whatever you need with the name...
return ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
I guess that a similar approach can be used in other languages (Java, Node, etc.).
EDIT: Orion version 1.2 support notification customization in the NGSIv2, which allows this use case. For example, you can define the following subscriptions:
"notification": {
"httpCustom": {
"url": "",
"qs": {
"name": "dupex"
Please have a look to "Subscriptions" and "Custom Notifications" sections at NGSIv2 Specification for details.