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How to get Test variable through custom code in HP UFT - ApiTest

I want to set value to the Test Variable using Custom Code. Can you tell me how to do it as i am not able to access the variable from code.

UFT profile variable

I need to access the User Variable URL in my custom code and set the value.

Please help me if you know how to do it using Custom Code.

Thanks, Madhan


  • Based on your question:
    1. Click on File menu and then Settings, it will open Properties pane.
    2. Click on "+" to add user variable and give a name.
    3. In your custom code, type below code:

      string s = "";

    To retrieve the value of given variable:

      string ss = this.Context.TestProfile.GetVariableValue("NameOfYourVariable");
      CodeActivity5.Report("Variable is : ", ss); //(This line will print your variable value)