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generate all partitions of a set

For a set of the form A = {1, 2, 3, ..., n}. It is called partition of the set A, a set of k<=n elements which respect the following theorems:

a) the union of all the partitions of A is A

b) the intersection of 2 partitions of A is the empty set (they can't share the same elements).

For example. A = {1, 2,... n} We have the partitions:

{1, 2, 3}
{1, 2} {3}
{1, 3} {2}
{2, 3} {1}
{1} {2} {3}

These theoretical concepts are presented in my algorithms textbook (by the way, this subchapter is part of the "Backtracking" chapter). I am supposed to find an algorithm to generate all the partitions of a given set. I was struggling with this problem all the day and I couldn't find a solution. Can you explain me how does this algorithm work? Also, can you give me a pseudo-code sketch of the algorithm?


  • You can try the recursive answer if your set is not to big (or else use stack) :

    The principle is the following, you have a function that give back :

    rec_func(SET) = List of List of Set

    And work as follow :

    rec_func(SET) =
      if SET = {empty}:
        // if no element, easy to give the answer
        // 1. Remove one element from the set : 'a' to this set
        a = SET.pop()
        // 2. Call rec_func :
        list_of_list_of_set = rec_func(SET\'a')  
        response = []
        // 3. For every possibilities given by the function add the element 'a' :
        For every list_of_set in list_of_list_of_set  :
           // Case 1, you add 'a' to list_of_set
           response.push( [{'a'} + list_of_set] )
           // Case 2, for every set, you create a copy where you add 'a'
           for every set in list_of_set:
               response.push( [{set,'a'} + list_of_set\set] )
        // The function return the list of list of set created.        