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How to load file in a Seam Application using web.xml context-param

I have a seam web application in which I have to include a security module for integrated authentication. I can see that the module isn't based on seam application because it uses a spring-like notation. As the module works defining a listener and a properties file in the web.xml I think it should also work in my app.

Problems are: I don't have access to the module's sourcecode. And it fails to load the file.

The module hopes to load the file through the following configuration. So I place the at the same path directory as the web.xml.



I can only assume that at some point some method like getResourceAsStream can't find the file.

I'm using SEAM 2.2.2 and jboss 5 EAP, I wonder when/how the jboss container solve this context-param at web.xml and where it assumes the file may be.

Sorry for the poor english.


  • Move the file into WEB-INF/classes.

    It will not be accessible from the class loader if it's just in WEB-INF.