I have a requirement within my VBScript to ensure that a drive is mapped and contactable.
Initially I was using only the DriveExists()
method of the FileSystemObject
, but this fell short as in certain scenarios users start the day in the office but then take their laptops on tour, without shutting down; thus the drive in question is still listed as mapped, but is not contactable.
To Address this I have created the below function, but it seems a bit dirty due to the use of On Error Resume Next
So my question is this; is there a method that achieves my goal built in to VBS, or is my approach (or similar) the only way it can be done?
Function CheckDriveExists(drive)
CheckDriveExists = false
If FSO.DriveExists(drive) Then ' A drive is mapped for the required 'drive'
'** Create a file name for the test file *'
Dim tfDate, tfName
tfDate = Year(Now) & Month(Now) & Day(Now) & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now)
tfName = "tstfile-" & tfDate & ".bucf"
'** Try to create and then delete a file on the usrs backup drive *'
On Error Resume Next
FSO.CreateTextFile(drive & ":\" & tfName)
FSO.DeleteFile(drive & ":\" & tfName)
CheckDriveExists = (Err.Number = 0) ' Check to see if the file was created and deleted successfully
Err.Clear ' Clear any possible error
On Error GoTo 0 ' Reset error handling
End If
End Function
from Windows Scripting documentation
Function ShowDriveList
Dim fso, d, dc, s, n
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set dc = fso.Drives
For Each d in dc
n = ""
s = s & d.DriveLetter & " - "
If d.DriveType = 3 Then
n = d.ShareName
ElseIf d.IsReady Then
n = d.VolumeName
n = "[Drive not ready]"
End If
s = s & n & "<BR>"
ShowDriveList = s
End Function
perhaps you also need
Function ShowDriveType(drvpath)
Dim fso, d, t
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set d = fso.GetDrive(drvpath)
Select Case d.DriveType
Case 0: t = "Unknown"
Case 1: t = "Removable"
Case 2: t = "Fixed"
Case 3: t = "Network"
Case 4: t = "CD-ROM"
Case 5: t = "RAM Disk"
End Select
ShowDriveType = "Drive " & d.DriveLetter & ": - " & t
End Function