I have a SQL Server table called Test
with this sample data:
LineNo BaseJanuary BaseFebruary BudgetJanuary BudgetFebruary
1 10000 20000 30000 40000
2 70000 80000 90000 100000
I would like to create the below structure in a SQL Server view (or temporary table etc.) but I'm stuck... any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated!
LineNo Month Base Budget
1 January 10000 30000
2 January 70000 90000
1 February 20000 40000
2 February 80000 100000
Note: The numbers are for example only, the data is dynamic.
select LineNo,
'January' as Month,
BaseJanuary as Base,
BudgetJanuary as Budget
from test
select LineNo,
'February' as Month,
BaseFebruary as Base,
BudgetFebruary as Budget
from test
order by LineNo, Month