Search code examples

Single row to multiple columns and rows

I have a SQL Server table called Test with this sample data:

LineNo  BaseJanuary BaseFebruary    BudgetJanuary   BudgetFebruary
1       10000       20000           30000           40000
2       70000       80000           90000           100000

I would like to create the below structure in a SQL Server view (or temporary table etc.) but I'm stuck... any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated!

LineNo  Month       Base    Budget
1       January     10000   30000
2       January     70000   90000
1       February    20000   40000
2       February    80000   100000

Note: The numbers are for example only, the data is dynamic.


  • select LineNo,
           'January' as Month,
           BaseJanuary as Base,
           BudgetJanuary as Budget
      from test
    select LineNo,
           'February' as Month,
           BaseFebruary as Base,
           BudgetFebruary as Budget
      from test
     order by LineNo, Month